(Concerning the last, there's a famously awful poem by the even more famously awful Victorian poet William McGonagall, one stanza of which goes: "MacLean must be a madman / Which is obvious to be seen / Or else he wouldn't have tried to shoot / Our most beloved Queen.")
Some of the newly released records are included in an exhibition that runs through 22 February at the Reading Museum. "The Secret World of Victorian Broadmoor" features documents and artifacts never before seen by the public, revealing the hidden lives of the hospital's patients, doctors, and staff.

"Broadmoor is one of those collections where every page tells a story," says Dr Peter Durrant, county archivist of Berkshire. "There are many sad tales of lives destroyed by mental illness, of families broken up and never mended, of fear and paranoia.
"It is not history for the fainthearted. Yet at Broadmoor's heart is a community of patients and staff, and it is the history of this community that is now available to all."
Broadmoor, in Crowthorne, still operates as a secure psychiatric unit.
Shown here: Broadmoor Hospital (top), Minor (middle), Dadd (bottom).
Patricia Allderidge, The Late Richard Dadd, 1817-1886 (Tate Gallery Publications, 1974).
Simon Winchester, The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary (HarperCollins, 1998).
We've posted some Victorian patient biographies online. See: http://www.berkshirerecordoffice.org.uk/localhistory/Broadmoor_Revealed.htm
Just to update the link above, and also let you know that the free ebook, 'Broadmoor Revealed: Victorian Crime and the Lunatic Asylum', is now available from most online retailers. Please take a look!
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